Thursday, February 28, 2013

Music is something that inspires, influences, and changes people... I dont just consider it a way of
entertainment, I considerate an element, an art, a way of life. The power that music releases is incredable and undescribable, it expresses emotions and personal believes louder than anything else, this is where words are louder than actions and actually cause them. without music in this world the world would be, blan, stale, and colorless, in my eyes its the heart beat of sociaty and puts motion and rythm into the world.
It is the one thing that can never be silenced, music acompanies you no matter who you are... though music can be judgmental, racist, and, offensive, genres and similar believes of artists and musicains form communities both, negative and positive.

Im not only a metal head, im a musican as well, im the vocalist for my band HitListForADiskJockey, obviously ive chosen this as my career path, why have I chosen this as my life? Because I believe theres more to life than waking up to a nine to five job, kissing ass for promotions behind a desk. Music has effected my life greatly, without it id most likely be unhappy, and misdirected in life, I would be lazy and ungrateful, music has tought me to work hard and to be commited to things I love. I dont see myself being anything else in this world, and through music I became the person of who I am today. music is my life, and it has had the biggest impact on my life.

Of course there are other beautiful and amazing things out there in this world.. so I urge everyone to pursue thier passions and turn them into careers, I cant even begin to tell you the happiness it brings you and the feeling of all the hard work of accomplishments it gives you, yes, its hard work, and yes you will go through tough trials.. but its so worth it.. dont give up, work hard and stay commited, and your dreams will become your reality.